Independent art spaces are running compelling institutional experiments as proactive residents with a stake in fast-changing cities.
The diversity of public spaces, their different degrees of complementarity, privacy, proximity, interconnectedness and embeddedness are also reflected in how these spaces are governed.
Public space is where all citizens, regardless of their income and personal circumstances, can feel both equal and cared for.
The global commons become a synecdoche of a spatial order that legitimatizes geographic violence, dispossession, and extractivism.
Reduir el nombre d’automòbils és clau per a aquesta reconquesta de l’espai, perquè de com menys asfalt disposin les rodes més terra s’allibera per plantar.
Cities offer hope as possible sites of reconciliation between different communities of humans, and between us and other species.
The provision and protection of public space is a useful indicator of the health of a society.
Any new city legislation should include planning indicators that improve health.
Oficines, locals de planta baixa i entorns públics: l’espai físic és un recurs valuosíssim per redreçar el món després de la dolorosa irrupció del coronavirus.