Oficines, locals de planta baixa i entorns públics: l’espai físic és un recurs valuosíssim per redreçar el món després de la dolorosa irrupció del coronavirus.
Mobile commoning is enacted within shared practices of movement, momentary gatherings, and fleeting assembly.
Logistical technologies make it completely viable to live without city. The pandemic has accelerated a logistical utopia.
What are the differences and similarities between the Arab Spring revolution and the January 2021 assault on the Capitol?
Air management is also a territory of macro and micro disputes of power, of political and ideological visibility.
The gardener is a humanist. What ideas help us to imagine the gardens of the 21st century?
For years we tried to urbanize the countryside but now the logic is reversed. What values and meanings does the landscape bring to the city?
Western city planning has often excluded "the others," the territories of disorder. How should we rethink an alternative city model?
The renowned architect describes his experience as president of the jury of the Prize and talks about his particular perspective on the city and contemporary architecture