Conference lectured at the Symposium "Architectures of fear. Terrorism and the Future of Urbanism in the West" CCCB 17-18 May 2007 Not terrorism, but the way the threat of terrorism is used, is what will have the biggest impact on the shape of cities and urban life in our day. This...
Conference lectured at the Symposium "Architectures of fear. Terrorism and the Future of Urbanism in the West" CCCB 17-18 May 2007 New York, September 11, 2001; Madrid, March 11, 2003; London, July 7, 2005 – the legacy and specter of catastrophic terror haunt the collective...
Conferencia leída durante el Ciclo de Conferencias "Archipiélago de Excepciones. Soberanías de la Extraterritorialidad" CCCB 10-11 de Noviembre de 2005 Si hay un lugar que recoja la intensidad de las diferencias entre Oriente y Occidente y entre Norte y Sur en un...
Conference lectured at the Symposium "Arxipelago of Exceptions. Sovereignties of Extraterritoriality" CCCB November 2005 «Where are human rights when more than 200 Muslims are rotting for months in your prisons in a 4x5 meter room, without any of them finding a place even to sit...
Conference lectured at the Symposium "Arxipelago of Exceptions. Sovereignties of Extraterritoriality" CCCB 10-11 November 2005 The advent of the levée en masse has monopolized the use of violence in the hands of the nation state. The persistence of European states to...
Conference lectured at the Symposium "Arxipelago of Exceptions. Sovereignties of Extraterritoriality" CCCB 10-11 November 2005 Introductionl «For Western military forces, asymmetric warfare in urban areas will be the greatest challenge of this century ... The city will be the...
Conference lectured at the Symposium "Arxipelago of Exceptions. Sovereignties of Extraterritoriality" CCCB 10-11 November 2005 Refugee camps1 are designed to be provisory architectural and social environments that serve as a temporary solution in a situation of emergency. Despite the...
Conference lectured at the Symposium "Arxipelago of Exceptions. Sovereignties of extraterritoriality" CCCB 10-11 November 2005 1. The new global border Tracing an imaginary line along the US-Mexico border and extending it directly across a map of the world, what emerges is a...
Conference lectured on 10th November at the Symposium "Archipelago of Exceptions. Sovereignties of extraterritoriality" CCCB 10-11 November 2005 «You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for...