“Wuhan Soup” is a compilation of pieces on COVID-19 published in March by eminent thinkers from Germany, Italy, France, Spain, the United States, South Korea, Slovenia, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Chile. These texts, analysing the present and offering hypotheses on the scenarios that are opening up...
Squares, streets, markets, parks, gardens. Public spaces are where we get together, come together, protest, celebrate, connect us with realities that go beyond the four walls of our home. Here is a list of some of the articles, conferences, interviews and video essays in which the CCCB has looked...
Making the most of the present crisis to rethink society and, on that basis, to organise it differently is the proposal of the Brazilian architect and urban planner Raquel Rolnik. In this video, which is part of a series in which she reflects on different themes related with urban planning,...
Cómo será nuestro mundo después de la pandemia, se pregunta Yuval Noah Harari, historiador, docente y escritor israelí. En este artículo del Financial Times argumenta que nos encontramos ante dos decisiones especialmente importantes: la vigilancia totalitaria frente al empoderamiento ciudadano y,...
With the death of the architect, professor, critic, and essayist Michael Sorkin, we recall that public space was one of his main concerns. As early as 1992, he warned of the danger of turning cities into theme parks. Here is his book Variations on a Theme Park: The New American City and the End...
The architecture critic at The New York Times, ponders photographs of ghost cities around the world as he reflects on public spaces that are presently deserted because of the pandemic. The images are dystopian yet also hopeful, since the aim of the collective confinement is to ensure everyone’s...
What is a healthy city? How do we measure it? And how healthy is Barcelona? This documentary in the Soy Cámara series sets out to find answers to questions related to the impact of today’s urban model on the physical and mental health of citizens.
The second part of the video essay “Soy Cámara” reflects on the mechanisms of advertising and politics of the massive sale of cars and raises questions about the future of road transport traffic. Could electric cars be the solution to the environmental challenge and problems of mobility in cities...
This video essay belonging to the series “Soy Cámara” emphasizes the health risks and environmental Impact of road transport traffic. Why haven’t we had this debate earlier? What are the interests behind the irrational imposition of the automobile? What would cities be like without cars?