Like a chemical catalyst, the sidewalk and the street edge are the surface on which all the atoms of a metropolis come together, react with each other and produce energy, says Nicholas de Monchaux in the New York Times article. This physical overlap also creates the enormous potential to create...
What happens when the pandemic obliges our confinement at a highly politicised time and demonstrations in public spaces must suddenly cease? AOC Media analyses how protests in France have moved from the streets into the social networks, as well as onto balconies where people bang pots and pans or...
Durant les manifestacions, els carrers de Washington es van convertir en un projecte d'art a l'aire lliure que va transformar els taulers de fusta contraxapada en els aparadors, un símbol de por i protecció, en un mitjà d'expressió poderosa. La revista Domus ha parlat amb els artistes Decoy,...
Venecia sin turistas, una Time Square vacía, cielos sin aviones… ¿Cómo está afectando la pandemia al turismo? ¿Estamos ante el fin del turismo de masas y de las ciudades globales? National Geographic Viajes ha consultado a especialistas de distintos ámbitos. Mientras los agentes turísticos...
"The rhythm of a city is dictated by crowds which surge during rush hours, lunchtimes and evenings, its streets acting as arteries pumping the blood of citizens through to keep them alive. Remove the throng and the city becomes a museum, a simulacrum of urbanity in the way a stage set and an...
At this moment of pandemic, wearing medical face masks in public spaces is recommended or even mandatory. Urbanist Mark Kammerbauer reflects in Topos Magazine on higher propensity towards wearing masks in public in Asia. A matter of curtesy or culture? Is it linked to public health emergencies in...
The strategies for putting in place plans to lift the lockdowns before a vaccine is developed could involve tracing coronavirus patients and their contacts in order to determine whether government actions are working. The measures are triggering fears of growing surveillance, including questions...
The pandemic undermines our most basic ideas about community and, in particular, urban life, claims the New York Times’s architectural critic Michael Kimmelman. Epicenters of capital and creativity, cities are facing social distancing that not only runs up against our fundamental desires to...
Public space and the public sphere, urban density, relations with the new technologies, and solidarity are some of the themes that Richard Sennett analyses in conversation with the Croatian philosopher Srečko Horvat. This interview is part of a cycle of debates launched by the platform DIEM25 in...