Degree in Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology, and a Master’s degree in Southeast Asian Politics.

Julie Wark (Perth, Australia, 1945) has been working since 1987 as a translator – from Catalan and Spanish to English or vice versa – of novels, essays, short stories, poetry, and exhibition catalogues for publishers and institutions including Pluto Press, Serpent’s Tail, Short Books, Grup 62, Alma Books, Actar, Ediciones de La Central, CCCB (Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona), Institució de les Lletres Catalanes (Institute of Catalan Letters), Institut Ramon Llull and CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs).
Among her translations are: Guerras del Siglo XXI. Nuevos Miedos, Nuevas Amenazas (Wars of the 21st Century) by Ignacio Ramonet; El rem de trenta-quatre (The Long Oar) by Joaquin Ruyra; El derecho a la existencia (Basic Income: The Material Conditions of Freedom) by Daniel Raventós; The Rover (L’errant) by Aphra Behn (with Iolanda Pelegrí); Human Action (L’acció humana), with David Casassas, de Ludwig von Mises (4 volumes); Lo que esconde tu nombre (The Scent of Lemon Leaves) by Clara Sánchez; Maletes perdudes (Lost Luggage) by Jordi Puntí; Sal de vainilla (Vanilla Salt) by Ada Parellada; Amor en minúscula (Love in Small Letters) by Francesc Miralles; and Desig de xocolata (Desire for Chocolate – forthcoming 2015) by Care Santos.
She has also published the books Indonesia: Law, Propaganda and Terror, (London, Zed Press, 1983) and Manifiesto de derechos humanos (Ed. Barataria. 2011); published in English as The Human Rights Manifesto (Zero Books, 2012).
[Last update: April 2015]