autores-frontend Portlet

Lubica Fabri

Bratislava (Slovakia)

Lubica Fabri

Architect. Member of the Prize’s Board of Experts (2016)

Lubica Fabri studied Architecture at the Bauhaus Universität Weimar in Germany where her end-of-course project was about public buildings. After fifteen years working as an architect and designer, she founded in Bratislava ARCHA matériO, a centre for architecture and contemporary materials. She is founder and director of ADMAGAZIN, a publication in paper and digital format which mainly features well-designed living spaces and sustainable architecture, especially in public buildings and areas. She is director of the architecture centre ARCHA, and also general director of DESIGN IN.

She has curated several architecture and contemporary design exhibitions in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Austria. Since 2012, she has also been working in Slovakia as the director of the Timber Construction Show, the most important event promoting modern architecture constructed in high-quality timber in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. She has participated as curator and coordinator in design and architecture events including Slovak Industrial Design, INTERIOR.SK.05, ARCHITECTURE.SK.05, Design Slovakia, and Salon of Wooden Buildings, and is also author of several articles on architecture and design as well as exhibition catalogues.

Last update: March 2019

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