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José Manuel Pedreirinho

Lisbon (Portugal)

José Manuel Pedreirinho

Architect. Member of the Prize’s Board of Experts (2018)

With a degree from the Lisbon School of Fine Arts and a PhD in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Seville, he was elected president of the Order of Architects of Portugal in 2017, and he is also president of the Do.Co.Mo.Mo-Ibérico Foundation. He teaches at the The Faculty of Architecture and Arts at the Lusíada University of Porto and also at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Coimbra, where he has been head of the Department of Architecture since 2014. He has been a jury member for several architecture competitions as well as a member of examining boards for master’s and doctoral theses.

Since 1979 he has been working with national and international media and has published several books on theory and history of twentieth-century Portuguese architecture, among them História crítica do Prémio Valmor (Argumentum, 2018) and Dicionário dos Arquitectos Portugueses e activos em Portugal (Afrontamento, 1998). He is also co-author of Siza não construído (Arteditores, 2012), among other publications.

Last update: March 2019

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