Published in the exhibition catalogue Present and Futures. Architecture in Cities. Barcelona: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, 1996 With the Catholicism of A. W. N.Pugin in England and the Fourierism of Victor Considérant and César Daly in France,...
Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona 2003 Conference lectured at the cycle "Mapping Africa". CCCB, 17 February 2003 Introduction Urban Africans have long made lives that have worked. There has been an astute capacity to use thickening fields of social relations, however,...
Luis Fernández-Galiano Apollonians and Dionysians in the face of mass architecture Five theses in twenty-five paragraphs A prologue or summary Confronted by the great challenges of the end of the century, architects are uncertain whether to adopt Apollonian reasoning which impels them to provide...
Published in Ciutat real, ciutat ideal. Significat i funció a l'espai urbà modern [Real city, ideal city. Signification and function in modern space]. Barcelona: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, 1998 (Urbanitats; 7). Even a brief visit to Barcelona...
Jordi Borja Citizenship and Public Space Urban Agoraphobia Although we civic-urbanites like to recall the old refrain that “city air makes us free”, present-day urban reality tends to make us quote instead the one about “bad times for poetry”. There is nothing original, either, in the titles...
Pedro Azara, Eva Subías, Ricardo Mar, Eduard Riu-Barrera mythical foundation of city Introduction One of symbolic features that exemplify many cities of classical antiquity is existence of stories, historically-based or invented, about ir origins and foundation. Mythological characters like seus,...
Xavier Rubert de Ventós Urbanisation against urbanity? The order in which I shall present this talk is as follows: I shall begin with two canonical quotes that relate social conduct with the city. Then I shall offer an etymological review of what we deem to be good manners, after which I shall go...
Michela Marzano, philosopher and member of the Italian parliament, speaks with Shared spaces on the need for public space.
Conference for the symposium "(In)visible Cities. Spaces of risk, Spaces of Citizenship", CCCB, 25-27 July 2003