Projects Frontend Portlet

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Parc del Molinet-Jardí al carrer Madrid

Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Spain), 1991

New park on the grounds of an agricultural estate on the terraces of the River Besòs in Santa Coloma de Gramenet

Previous state

The beginnings of industrialisation meant that farmland in the municipality of Santa Coloma -situated on the left bank of the river Besòs- became gradually occupied by factories and housing in response to the sharp rise in population in the second half of the 20th century (from15,281 inhabitants in 1950 to 133,138 in 1991). From that time, planning to cater for this growth was non-existent, and the buildings, which had become the main features of the landscape, spread over the municipal territory and up hillsides and even occupied the banks of the river. The agricultural holding, la Torre Roja, one of the oldest farmhouses in Santa Coloma, escaped the development process as it was located on the edge of the municipality. Although alterations had been made to the farmhouse, and it was extremely dilapidated, much of its land was still unoccupied until the eighties. The Torre Roja was located on the terraces adjacent to the banks of the river Besòs, at the bottom of Puigfred hill. The tuberculosis sanatorium for the poor, the Hospital de l'Esperit Sant, was built on top of this hill in 1917. As time went by, the site became fragmented, but still had an important role as an important connecting zone: it was one of the places where people could cross the river Besòs by means of precarious and dangerous wooden bridges which were easily swept away by floods.

Aim of the intervention

The old Metropolitan Corporation expropriated the land required in order to undertake a major scheme which would be metropolitan in scope. It sought to redevelop and re-equip a marginal sector consisting of a large empty space bounded by the urban areas of Santa Coloma, Badalona and Sant Adrià del Besòs. The main objectives were to resolve connectivity between the different municipalities in the zone and with Barcelona, and also to provide the zone with a series of green spaces and recreational areas which would serve neighbouring urban localities, such as the heavily built-up district of Llefià in Badalona.

The Molinet bridge was built in 1978, with this aim in mind, as a means of fostering communications between the districts of the Raval in Santa Coloma and Bon Pastor in Barcelona. The Plaça Salvador Dalí was developed in connection with the bridge project; its adjacent roadways distributed traffic between the three municipalities and Barcelona, the Parc del Molinet and the gardens in Carrer Madrid in Badalona.


Besides achieving improved connectivity with the metropolitan area, the area has also benefitted from two green spaces -the Parc del Molinet and the gardens in Carrer Madrid- which have equipped a zone which presented difficulties, and have made a dilapidated area into a public green space. Nevertheless, two quite different landscapes continue to converge: the dense urban weave of Badalona and the southern part of Santa Coloma, which is low density and still suffers from the all the shortcomings of an unfinished metropolitan site.

Although the garden in Carrer Madrid is an open space, directly accessible to the inhabitants of the neighbouring district, the Parc del Molinet is in a zone which is still isolated and difficult to reach for the inhabitants of the areas which are not directly adjacent, such as, for instance, the districts on the other side of the river.

[Last update: 02/05/2018]

Technical sheet

CITY: Santa Coloma de Gramenet
AREA: 8,500 m²


Lluís Roig

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