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7 May 2014

Presentation of Authors of Prize-Winning Works in the Eighth Award of the Prize


The authors of the prize-winning works in the European Prize for Urban Public Space 2014 meet to talk about their projects.

[Original version in english | duración 01:06:36]

The day after the prize-giving ceremony for the European Prize for Urban Public Space the authors of the different winning projects met in the vestibule of the Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB). The meeting, led by the Prize secretary, David Bravo, was open to the public so that these winning projects could be explained in detail by their authors, who described the design and production processes of their work and talked about the goals they sought to achieve.

The meeting was attended by the following authors:
  • Michel Desvigne for the refurbishment of the Old Port of Marsella
  • Jürgen Küppers for the refurbishment of the Old Port of Marsella
  • Francisco Leiva for "The braided valley" of Elche.
  • Philip Bechter for the islamic cementry of Altach.
  • Peter Beard for the opening of the Rinham marshes in London
  • Kirsi Rantama for "Banna", a pedestrian and bicycle corridor in Helsinki
  • Carme Pigem for "La lira" theatre of Ripoll